CanWest Offers Street Sweeping Service

Here is a surprising statistic … street sweepers actually pre-date cars!

History Lesson:

Invented during the Industrial Revolution, it is unclear who actually was the inventor. Some say it was C.S. Bishop who invented a mechanized street sweeper in 1849, other say it was C.B. Brooks who invented the paper hole puncher in 1896. The automobile wasn’t widely available in the US until the 20th century. By then, street sweepers were already cleaning up. Seems odd, what would street sweepers be cleaning up … if there weren’t cars readily available, you wouldn’t think there’d be many roads?

At any rate, it is said that the first Elgin Street Sweeper was purchased by city officials in Boise, Idaho in 1914. And the rest, as they say is history.

Read more about Street Sweepers on: ‘How Stuff Works’ …

You’ve Come a Long Way Baby!

Today, street sweepers are much quieter, cleaner and more efficient than the first horse-drawn carts. Uses have expanded too! With so much pavement around today, street sweeping is in high demand from not just roadways but also sidewalks, parking lots/garages, airport runways, construction sites and more.

We’ve Got You!

At CanWest, we have equipment ranging from bobcats with sweeper attachments to Elgin and Challenger street sweeper units. We service roads and highways, airports, parking lots & sidewalks in the Calgary and Edmonton areas with sweeping service contracts as well as businesses requiring sweeping of their parking lots and other roadways.

CanWest is fully insured, WCB, COR & ISN Certified so when we work at your property you can be assured that you assume no risk or liability.

Are You a DYI’er?

At CanWest, we have you completely covered! If you’d rather get the job done yourself, we rent out our street sweeper fleet. That’s right! Rentals available NOW.

Get Your Clean On

Give us a call or fill in the form below for a free quote (403) 225-4445.

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